Online video poker allows players from all gaming backgrounds to play their favorite video poker games on the internet. The online video poker games are exactly the same as those offered in the land based casinos. So if you understand how the regular video poker slots work, you will have no problems playing online. Video poker consists of very simple rules. It’s an electronic game which means you can’t go wrong with the rules of the game as everything works electronically.
In video poker, you always play against the house and not against other casino players. The basic rules of the game are that you are dealt five cards from a single deck of cards. These cards allow you to choose which ones to get rid of and which ones to keep. Then you can draw multiple cards to replace the cards you created. Don’t forget to check out the payment schedule as you will see somewhere on the screen whether you should have a winning poker hand.
Playing online video poker is very easy. The first thing you need to do is choose which video poker game you want to play at your chosen online casino as the different online casinos usually offer a variety of different versions of video poker. When the game starts you have to choose how much you want to bet. Most games give you the option of choosing the coin currency (the amount of your wager) that you want to play with and your wagering level, which corresponds to the number of coins you want to play with.
Once you have placed your bet and then hit the “Play” button, you will be dealt five cards based on a short deck of 52 cards. The maps will be displayed on your computer screen. There is a “hold” button throughout each card. Click the “Hold” button under each card you want to hold on all the cards you are holding. Click the “Deal” or “Play” button again if you want to draw additional cards to replace the cards that you did not hold on to.